


Grading System

Grading System

Alphabetical / Numerical Grading System:

Grades are issued by faculty members according to the following scales:


Grade Point Average Letter Grade Equivalent Percentage Performance Level
4.00 A 96 – 100% Exceptional
3.67 A- 92 – 95%
3.33 B+ 88 – 91% Above Average
3.00 B 85 – 87%
2.67 B 81 – 84%
2.33 C+ 77 – 80% Average
2.00 C 73 – 76%
1.67 C- 70 – 72%
1.33 D+ 67 – 69% Below Average
1.00 D 65 – 66%
0.00 F 0 – 64%

It should be noted that most post-secondary institutions will not receive credit for any course in which a grade lower than “C” was received.

United Theological Seminary is committed to training leaders. Leaders are not average people. Students are therefore required to achieve “A” or “B” on all course work (i.e., above average). All work submitted that is “C” (average) or lower will be returned to the student for further completion before a grade is awarded.

I = Incomplete: A temporary grade limited to a course in which a student has been granted an extension to complete the required assignments or exams due to personal illness, family crisis, or other faculty-accepted reasons. Proctored Exams The final exam of the course is a proctored exam. The proctor chosen must be an objective, responsible adult, preferably not a relative. The proctor receives the test in a sealed envelope from the student and is responsible for supervision during the examination process. The proctor may not leave the student alone while the final test is being taken. Upon the student’s completion of the test, the supervisor signs the Final Examination Proctor Certification form, dates it and seals all materials in an envelope, and mails them to UTS.

Proctored ExamsThe final exam of the course is a proctored exam. The proctor chosen must be an objective, responsible adult, preferably not a relative.

The proctor receives the test in a sealed envelope from the student and is responsible for supervision during the examination process. The proctor may not leave the student alone while the final test is being taken.

Upon the student’s completion of the test, the supervisor signs the Final Examination Proctor Certification form, dates it and seals all materials in an envelope, and mails them to UTS.